Renal biopsy findings in case 2. (a) periodic acid-methenamine-silver (PAM) stain; original magnification 10×, (b) PAS stain original magnification 200×. Light microscopy images show tubular dilatation and atrophy. Cystic tubules show irregularities and thinning of the tubular epithelial cells. Of seven glomeruli, two are globally sclerotic, one is segmentally sclerotic, and two show glomerular cysts. The other glomeruli are intact. Rapidly Progressive Renal Dysfunction in Two Elderly Patients with Renal Enlargement and Medullary Cystic Kidney Disease-like Acute Tubulointerstitial Injury: Internal Medicine. Not altered. CC.
Cystic diseases of the renal medulla is a heterogeneous group of kidney disease comprising hereditary, developmental but nonhereditary, and acquired disorders.
Examples of cystic diseases of the renal medulla include:
- Adult-onset medullary cystic disease
- Medullary sponge kidney
- Nephronophthisis