What is Disorder of Hemostasis due to Vitamin K Deficiency?

Disorder of Hemostasis due to Vitamin K Deficiency
Multiple nodular lesions on right elbow, right knee, and lateral side of chest (Highlighted by black arrows). Vitamin k deficiency bleeding presenting as nodular purpura in infancy: a rare and life-threatening entity. Gahalaut P, Chauhan S - Indian journal of dermatology (2013). Not Altered. CC.

Disorder of hemostasis due to vitamin K deficiency is the hemostatic disease due to vitamin K deficiency.

What is the Pathology of Disorder of Hemostasis due to Vitamin K Deficiency?

The pathology of disorder of hemostasis due to vitamin k deficiency is:

-Etiology: The cause of disorder of hemostasis due to vitamin k deficiency isn’t clear but considered obstructive jaundice as one of the causes.

-Genes involved: None.

-Pathogenesis: The sequence of events that lead to disorder of hemostasis due to vitamin k deficiency shows the deficiency of the proteins that require vitamin K for their synthesis, including prothrombin, factor X, factor IX, and factor VII.

How does Disorder of Hemostasis due to Vitamin K Deficiency Present?

Patients with disorder of hemostasis due to vitamin k deficiency typically newborn males and females present at the range of over 65 years. The symptoms, features, and clinical findings associated with disorder of hemostasis due to vitamin k deficiency include hemorrhage, bruises, Easy bruising, soft tissue hematoma, gastrointestinal bleeding, epistaxis, intracranial bleeding, hematuria, hemoptysis, intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal bleeding.

How is Disorder of Hemostasis due to Vitamin K Deficiency Diagnosed?

Disorder of hemostasis due to vitamin k deficiency is diagnosed using blood tests. 

How is Disorder of Hemostasis due to Vitamin K Deficiency Treated?

Disorder of hemostasis due to vitamin k deficiency is treated by giving vitamin K once, then 12 – 24 hours later, then measuring PT (should normalize).

What is the Prognosis of Disorder of Hemostasis due to Vitamin K Deficiency?

The prognosis of disorder of hemostasis due to vitamin k deficiency is fair if treated in a timely manner.