What is Endothelial Cell Damage?

Endothelial Cell Damage
Endothelial Cell Damage. Dermal venous thrombus with acute inflammatory cell infiltration and endothelial cell damage (H&E stain, 400× magnification). Deep vein thrombosis, ecthyma gangrenosum and heparin-induced thrombocytopenia occurring in a man with a heterozygous Factor V Leiden mutation. Apostolova M, Weng B, Pote HH, Ashcraft H, Goldblatt C, Woolley PV - Hematology reports (2012). Not Altered. CC.

Endothelial Cell Damage is due to the direct trauma and/or damage to endothelial cells by hypoxia caused by stasis in the presence of activated clotting factors that initiate thrombosis. Also, the endothelial cell damage disrupts the protective function of endothelial cells, increasing the risk for thrombosis.

Virchow’s TriadMeaning
Hypercoagulable State Excessive procoagulant proteins or defective anticoagulant proteins.
Disruption of Normal Blood FlowFlow of blood is altered.
StasisBlood is not flowing.