Toluidine Blue stained nerve cross-sections after resin embedding at 40×. (A) Nerve maintained in the fully oxygenated state with 0 mmol/L glucose, (B) Nerve subjected to intermittent anoxia with 0 mmol/L glucose, (C) Nerve maintained in the fully oxygenated state with 5.5 mmol/L glucose, (D) Nerve exposed to intermittent anoxia with 5.5 mmol/L glucose, (E) Nerve maintained in the continuously oxygenated state with 55 mmol/L glucose, and (F) Nerve subjected to intermittent anoxia with 55 mmol/L glucose. Acute anoxic changes in peripheral nerve: anatomic and physiologic correlations: Punsoni M, Drexler S, Palaia T, Stevenson M, Stecker MM - Brain and behavior (2015). Not altered. CC.
Environmental pathology is the condition which results from exposure to exogenous harmful chemical or physical agents.