Essential hypertension is a condition that is characterized by a rise in blood pressure but the cause is idiopathic.
What is the Pathology of Essential Hypertension?
The pathology of essential hypertension is:
-Etiology: The cause of essential hypertension is idiopathic but can be initiated by genetic factors, environmental factors, advanced age, increased alcohol intake.
-Genes involved: Unknown.
-Pathogenesis: The sequence of events that lead to Essential hypertension is not clearly illustrated but the factors that lead to it are genetics, environmental factors, increased vascular resistance.
-Morphology: NA.
-Histology: NA.
How does Essential Hypertension Present?
Patients with essential hypertension typically all gender present at the age range of young adulthood to the elderly. The symptoms, features, and clinical findings associated with crucial hypertension include severe headache, increased blood pressure, nosebleed, dyspnea, blood in urine, and fatigue.
How is Essential Hypertension Diagnosed?
Essential hypertension is diagnosed by history taking, monitoring of the vital signs.
How is Essential Hypertension Treated?
Essential hypertension is treated by regular exercise, stress management, weight loss, reduce or cessation of alcohol intake.
What is the Prognosis of Essential Hypertension?
The prognosis of essential hypertension is good due.