Endometrial tumour prolapsing into the cervical canal, without invasion of the cervical stroma and myometrium. The tumour extends bilaterally through the lumen of the tubes to the parametrial tissues (arrows). A left obturator lymph node is also seen (arrowhead). H&E section of the tumour with a solid pattern composed of large cells with pleomorphic nuclei, mitoses and scarce cytoplasm (c). These cells have small chromogranin-positive granules (d) and small synaptophysin granules in the cytoplasm (not shown) and are strongly positive for pan-cytokeratin CAM 5.2 (not shown). Neuroendocrine tumours of the female genital tract: a case-based imaging review with pathological correlation: Lopes Dias J, Cunha TM, Gomes FV, Callé C, Félix A - Insights into imaging (2015). Not altered. CC.
Pathology of the female genital system is study of causes and effects of diseases related to the female reproductive system.