What is Hemodynamic Pulmonary Edema?

Hemodynamic Pulmonary Edema
Computed tomography scans. (A, C) The plain computed tomography scan on admission. (B, D) The contrast computed tomography scan at hemodynamic deterioration. A and B were the same level of the body. C and D were the same level of the body. A fatal case of acute progression of generalized edema and simultaneous flash pulmonary edema in a patient with idiopathic systemic capillary leak syndrome: a case report. Hirosaki Y, Hayashidani S, Ouchi S, Ohshima T, Nakano R, Yamamoto H - Journal of medical case reports (2015). Not Altered. CC.

Hemodynamic pulmonary edema is a life-threatening type of  Pulmonary edema due to increased hydrostatic pressure. Can be caused by left-sided congestive heart failure.