What is Herniation of the Brain?

Herniation of the Brain
Herniation of the Brain. (a and b) Intraoperative photographs showing herniation of necrotic brain through the defect and elevated bone fragment. Compound elevated skull fracture: Should we incorporate in skull fracture classification? Agrawal A, Kumar SS, Reddy UV, Hegde KV, Subrahmanyan BV - International journal of critical illness and injury science (2015 Oct-Dec). Not Altered. CC.

Herniation of the brain is the protrusion of brain tissue through openings in the rigid intracranial barriers.  Herniation can cause displacement of the brain tissue through skull openings or past dural folds, due to increased intracranial pressure.

What are the Types of Brain Herniation? 

Types of brain herniation include: 

  • Subfalcine (cingulate) herniation
  • Tonsillar herniation
  • Transtentorial (uncinate, mesial temporal) herniation