What is Hydrops Fetalis?

Hydrops Fetalis
Hydrops Fetalis. A view of the huge SCT and the fetus showing hydrops fetalis. Ovarian vein thrombosis and mirror syndrome in association with sacrococcygeal teratoma. Kafali H, Onaran YA, Keskin E, Sari U, Kirbas I - Clinics (São Paulo, Brazil) (2010). Not Altered. CC.

Hydrops fetalis is a solemn fetal disorder defined as atypical buildup of fluid in two/more fetal compartments.

What is the Pathology of Hydrops Fetalis?

The pathology of hydrops fetalis is:

-Etiology: The cause of hydrops fetalis is genetic factor.

-Genes involved: α-globin genes.

-Pathogenesis: The sequence of events that lead to hydrops fetalis are as the result of deletion of all four α-globin genes, γ-globin chains form hemoglobin Barts with high affinity for oxygen hence severe tissue anoxia. 

-Morphology: The morphology associated with hydrops fetalis shows pallor and edema. 

-Histology: Red blood cell changes.

How does Hydrops Fetalis Present? 

Patients with hydrops fetalis typically slightly higher in males than females present at age range of infancy. The symptoms, features, and clinical findings associated with hydrops fetalis include severe pallor, generalized edema, and massive hepatosplenomegaly.

How is Hydrops Fetalis Diagnosed? 

Hydrops fetalis is diagnosed through prenatal ultrasonography,

How is Hydrops Fetalis Treated? 

Hydrops fetalis is treated via intrauterine transfusion.

What is the Prognosis of Hydrops Fetalis?

The prognosis of hydrops fetalis is poor with a high mortality.