(a and b) Histological section showing prominence of the intracinar arterioles with medial hypertrophy corresponding to Grade I pulmonary hypertension (Heath-Edwards grading system), (H and E ×100 (a), ×200 (b). (c) Elastic von-Gieson's (EVG) stain highlighting the prominent intracinar arterioles (EVG ×100). (d and e) Muscle hypertrophy along with proliferation of intimal cells in the arterioles corresponding to Grade II pulmonary hypertension (Masson's trichrome ×100 (d), ×400 (e). Severe pulmonary artery hypertension following intracardiac repair of tetralogy of Fallot: An unusual finding.
Kumar B, Puri GD, Manoj R, Gupta K, Shyam KS - Pulmonary circulation (2011 Jan-Mar). Not Altered. CC.
Hypertensive vascular disease is also known as hypertension is a condition in which the blood pressure is elevated more than normal above 140/90 mmHg.
Hypertensive vascular disease includes:
- Essential hypertension
- Primary hypertension
- Secondary hypertension