What is Immunohemolytic Anemia?

Immunohemolytic Anemia
Immunohemolytic Anemia. Histologic sections of marrow from the patient with immune hemolytic anemia. Tissue sections were immune stained with anti-CD138 MoAb, and CD138+ cells were visualized after secondary staining with a horseradish peroxidase–labeled secondary antibody. Immunohistochemical analysis for CD138+ plasma cells present in marrow biopsies obtained on Day –22 (A), Day +97 (B), Day +160 (C), and Day +249 (D) with respect to the day of transplant are shown. Overall cellularities of the marrow at the times represented in A, B, C, and D were 40, 60, 50, and 15%. Successful treatment of severe immune hemolytic anemia after allogeneic stem cell transplantation with bortezomib: report of a case and review of literature. Hosoba S, Jaye DL, Cohen C, Roback JD, Waller EK - Transfusion (2014). Not Altered. CC.

Immunohemolytic anemia is hemolytic anemia caused by extracorpuscular mechanisms.

What is the Pathology of Immunohemolytic Anemia?

The pathology of immunohemolytic anemia is: an anomaly in which the body’s immune system halts red blood cells formation and causes them to clump together.

-Etiology: The cause of immunohemolytic anemia is drugs, toxins, infections, transfusion, and certain cancers.

-Genes involved: None.

-Pathogenesis: The sequence of events that lead to immunohemolytic anemia is not well understood.

-Morphology: Rashes.

-Histology: Acanthocytes.

How does Immunohemolytic Anemia Present? 

Patients with immunohemolytic anemia typically have no gender prevalence present at an age range of any age.The symptoms, features, and clinical findings associated with immunohemolytic anemia include jaundice, pallor, weakness, chest pain, tachycardia, and dark urine.

How is Immunohemolytic Anemia Diagnosed? 

Immunohemolytic anemia is diagnosed through laboratory studies including Coombs antiglobulin test to detect antibodies and complement on red cells.

How is Immunohemolytic Anemia Treated? 

Immunohemolytic anemia is treated through medical care including corticosteroid therapy, blood transfusions, blood and marrow stem cell transplants, and lifestyle modification.

What is the Prognosis of Immunohemolytic Anemia?

The prognosis of immunohemolytic anemia is fair depending on the underlying causes.