What is Impaired Blood Flow Through The Liver?

Impaired Blood Flow Through The Liver
Photomicrographs of the recipient's liver at the time of living donor liver transplantation. (A) Macroscopically, the recipient's liver was swollen and reddish, indicating severe secondary congestion. (B) Microscopically, there was evidence of impaired blood outflow, including congestion, coagulative necrosis, and loss of hepatocytes without the severe inflammatory infiltrates associated with fibrosis development. Original magnification is ×40. Salvage living donor liver transplantation after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty for recurrent Budd-Chiari syndrome: a case report: Shirai Y, Yoshiji H, Ko S, Yamazaki M, Ikenaka Y, Noguchi R, Morioka C, Kaji K, Aihara Y, Nakanishi K, Yamao J, Toyohara M, Mitoro A, Sawai M, Yoshida M, Fujimoto M, Uemura M, Nakajima Y, Fukui H - Journal of medical case reports (2011). Not altered. CC.

Impaired Blood Flow Through The Liver is the inadequate blood flow towards the liver.

What is the Pathology of Impaired Blood Flow Through The Liver?

The pathology of impaired blood flow through the liver is:

-Etiology: The cause of impaired blood flow through the liver is impairment of the portal vein.

-Genes involved: None.

-Pathogenesis: The sequence of events that lead to impaired blood flow through the liver includes impairment in the portal vein, leading to portal hypertension.

-Histology: The histology associated with impaired blood flow through the liver shows collapsed portal veins.

How does Impaired Blood Flow Through The Liver Present?

Patients with impaired blood flow through the liver typically affects male and female present at the age range of 25-55. The symptoms, features, and clinical findings associated with impaired blood flow through the liver include nausea, vomiting, ascites, jaundice, inflammation, congestion, itchy skin, dark-colored urine, and fatigue.

How is Impaired Blood Flow Through The Liver Diagnosed?

Impaired blood flow through the liver is diagnosed CT scan, ultrasound, and MRI.

How is Impaired Blood Flow Through The Liver Treated?

Impaired blood flow through the liver is treated using beta-blockers.

What is the Prognosis of Impaired Blood Flow Through The Liver?

The prognosis of impaired blood flow through the liver is poor.