What is Leukopenia?

(a) Peripheral blood (Wright-Giemsa, 100x) showed leukopenia with neutropenia and circulating pseudo-Pelger-Huet cells with bilobed hyposegmented nuclei. Peripheral blood also showed mild normocytic anemia and thrombocytopenia. (b) Bone marrow aspirate (Wright-Giemsa, 100x) showing a mild increase in blasts (7% of cellularity) with a high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio, vesicular chromatin, and prominent nucleoli with variable granularity. Translocation (6;15)(q12;q15): A Novel Mutation in a Patient with Therapy-Related Myelodysplastic Syndrome: Ali SF, Sonu RJ, Dwyre DM, Jonas BA, Rashidi HH - Case reports in hematology (2015). Not altered. CC.

Leukopenia is a condition where there is abnormally low number of white blood cells (leukocytes).

Types of leukopenia include: 

  • Agranulocytosis
  • Neutropenia

Leukopenia: Circulating white blood cell (WBC) count to < 4000/mcL (< 4 × 109/L).

Neutropenia: Circulating blood neutrophil count to < 1500/mcL (< 1.5 × 109/L) in caucasians and < 1200/mcL (< 1.2 × 109/L) in blacks.

Lymphocytopenia: Total number of lymphocytes is < 1000/mcL (< 1 × 109/L) in adults.

Monocytopenia: Circulating blood monocyte count to < 500/mcL (< 0.5 × 109/L).