What is Liver Failure?

Liver Failure
Dual differentiation of liver progenitor cells. The presented liver tissue was from a patient with acute HBV infection who had undergone liver failure for 13 days. CK7 immunohistochemical staining was performed. Four fields were selected to show that liver progenitor cells contribute to rebuilding bile ducts and hepatocytes. (A–B) Liver progenitor cell-originated bile ducts still can be discriminated by hepatocyte-like cells inside these ducts (black arrows). (C–D) Liver progenitor cell-derived hepatocytes are highlighted by red arrows. Two sides of one coin: massive hepatic necrosis and progenitor cell-mediated regeneration in acute liver failure: Weng HL, Cai X, Yuan X, Liebe R, Dooley S, Li H, Wang TL - Frontiers in physiology (2015). Not altered. CC.

Liver failure is the loss of liver function

Examples of liver failure include: 

  • Acute liver failure
  • Acute on chronic liver failure
  • Chronic liver failure is the loss of liver function due to cirrhosis