What is Myxedema?

Myxedema. Microscopic finding of the liver showing accumulation of yellow bile pigment in the hepatocytes (H&E, ×400). Myxedema ascites: case report and literature review.: Ji JS, Chae HS, Cho YS, Kim HK, Kim SS, Kim CW, Lee CD, Lee BI, Choi H, Lee KM, Lee HK, Choi KY - Journal of Korean medical science (2006). Not Altered. CC.

Myxedema is a dermatologic condition with thick, dry, and waxy skin mainly present due to the accumulation of mucopolysaccharides in the dermis.

What is the Pathology of Myxedema? 

The pathology of myxedema is typically associated with excess TSH secretion or hypothyroidism.

How does Myxedema Present? 

Myxedema typically presents with yellow and waxy plaques and nodules on the anterolateral aspect of the leg, generalized puffiness, macroglossia, ptosis, periorbital edema, and coarse, sparse hair.

How is Myxedema Diagnosed? 

Myxedema is diagnosed based on clinical symptoms for instance hoarse voice, dry skin, mental and physical slowness, cold intolerance, and weakness.

How is Myxedema Treated? 

Myxedema is typically treated by thyroid hormone replacement, self-limiting, steroid, and antibiotics.

What is the Prognosis of Myxedema?

The prognosis of myxedema is poor with a mortality rate of up to 50%.