What is Pinguecula?

Immunohistochemical staining of pinguecula autofluorescence (AF). (A) Conjunctiva stroma with thinning of the overlying epithelium and calcification were detected. (B) Eosinophilic-stained amorphous material was detected in the subepithelial layer of the conjunctiva. (C-F) No immunoreactivity was detected. (G) Immunoreactivity to transglutaminase-2 was detected in the normal epithelium, normal vessel walls, and elastotic degeneration area of AF. (H,I) Immunoreactivity was detected. (A,B) Hematoxylin-eosin, (C) periodic acid-Schiff, (D) Masson's trichrome, (E) Congo red, (F) Oil Red O, (G) transglutaminase-2, (H) CD29 (β-1-integrin), and (I) CD 34 (×400). Not Altered. CC.

Pinguecula is an abnormal growth of the tissue on the conjunctiva. There may be a yellow limbus associated with submucosal elevation on the conjunctiva due to actinic damage.