Small intestine pathology is the science of the causes and effects of diseases of small intestine which include inflammatory bowel disease and Crohn’s disease. Colon pathology is any condition that may involve the colon.
What is Small Intestine Pathology and Colon Pathology?

Endoscopic features of HIV-associated GI pathology. (a, b) Esophageal candidiasis: creamy mucosal plaques, (c) esophageal ulceration, (d) duodenal giardiasis, (e) intestinal cryptosporidiosis, with granular, friable mucosa, (f) ileal lymphoid hyperplasia, (g) bacterial colitis, (h) colonic ulceration, and (i) proctitis. Human immunodeficiency virus-associated gastrointestinal disease: common endoscopic biopsy diagnoses. Bhaijee F, Subramony C, Tang SJ, Pepper DJ - Pathology research international (2011). Not Altered. CC.