What is Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome?

Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. Ultrasound scan 3 months later. Ultrasound scan image showing decrease in size of the left testicle with increased nodularity in the previously injured region of the left testicle consistent with post-inflammatory scarring. Testicular trauma resulting in shock and systemic inflammatory response syndrome: a case report. Okonkwo KC, Wong KG, Cho CT, Gilmer L - Cases journal (2008). Not Altered. CC.

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is a clinical syndrome characterized by systemic inflammation and widespread tissue injury.

What is the Pathology of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome?

The pathology of systemic inflammatory response syndrome is:

-Etiology: The cause of systemic inflammatory response syndrome may be related to infection, pancreatitis, or organ injury.

-Genes involved: None. 

-Pathogenesis: The sequence of events that lead to systemic inflammatory response syndrome involves the release of acute-phase reactants, which perpetuate a dysregulated cytokine storm that can cause a massive inflammatory cascade, end-organ dysfunction, and even death.

How does Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Present?

Patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome are typically patients with complex medical histories, or pancreatitis that have acute drop in blood pressure, fever, and altered mental status.

How is Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Diagnosed?

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome is diagnosed based on clinical criteria. 

How is Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Treated?

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome is treated with an fluid replacement, and medical management of accompanying symptoms.

What is the Prognosis of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome?

The prognosis of systemic inflammatory response syndrome is poor.