What is the Method to Increase Organ Transplant Life?

Method to Increase Organ Transplant Life
A) Computer-assisted calculation of total liver volume is 1022 mL, and right liver graft is 615 mL; (B) MRCP showing the biliary tract of donor; (C) dissecting right hepatic duct (gray area demonstrating right hepatic duct); (D) transient clamp the right portal vein, the transection line was marked by electric cautery; (E) parenchyma was transected by harmonic scalpel. MRCP = magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography.Laparoscopic living donor right hemihepatectomy with venous outflow reconstruction using cadaveric common iliac artery allograft Medicine. Not Altered. CC.

The organ transplants are mostly done in the life threatening condition but rejections of the transplanted organs in the recipient body are one of the major problem. There are several methods that can help to increase the post-transplant life of the transplanted organ.

HLA markers matching is done between the donor and recipient in the transplant. This helps the development of new blood cells reducing the complications like graft-versus-host disease.

The chances of post-transplant rejection can also be minimized if the transplant is done between identical twins. In this way, there will be very little chance of rejection. But it is not possible to have identical twins in every case, so it is much easier to have the transplanted organ or tissue from close family members. 

Apart from the pre-transplant selection & testing, transplant life can be increased by using immune-suppressive therapies. Various immunosuppressive agents are used for life along with some antifungals to protect the fungal growth due to suppressed immune system.