What is Thymic Aplasia?

Thymic Aplasia
Thymic hyperplasia in a 12-year-old boy treated for Hodgkin’s lymphoma for 8 mo. CT scanogram (A) shows subtle mediastinal widening (arrow). CECT axial section (B) shows mild thymic enlargement with convex margins and homogenous density (arrow) consistent with rebound hyperplasia.Imaging of the pediatric thymus: Clinicoradiologic approach World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics. Not Altered. CC.

Thymic aplasia is the absence of thymic tissue. 

What is the Pathology of Thymic Aplasia?

The pathology of thymic aplasia is:

-Etiology: The cause of thymic hypoplasia is a an abnormality that results in the lack of thymic tissue. 

-Genes involved: 22q11.2 deletion.

-Histology: Lack of thymic tissue. 

How does Thymic Aplasia Present?

Patients with thymic aplasia typically present as newborn infants. 

How is Thymic Aplasia Diagnosed?

Thymic aplasia is diagnosed by physical exam, and ultrasound. 

How is Thymic Aplasia Treated?

Thymic aplasia is treated by thymus transplantation. 

What is the Prognosis of Thymic Aplasia?

The prognosis of Thymic aplasia is poor due to the susceptibility of recurrent infectious disease disorders.