Thymus pathology is diseases or conditions that may occur to the thymus. Thymic pathology includes congenital issues, cysts, and oncological diseases.

A) Parathyroid adenoma with residual compressed normal parathyroid gland and adjacent thymic tissue (scanning power); B) high power view showing part of the thymic gland (arrow head) and parathyroid adenoma surrounded and separated from residual normal parathyroid (dashed arrow) by a thin fibrous capsule (large arrow) (Hematoxylin & Eosin, 100×); C) microscopic thymoma, composed of spindle to oval cells with bland nuclei, forming a solid sheet without any pattern (Hematoxylin & Eosin, 200×).Microscopic thymoma and parathyroid adenoma: rare combination of two distinct pathologies.
Walton B, Gleinser D, Boroumand N, Watts T, Underbrink M - Rare tumors (2014). Not Altered. CC,