What is Uveitis?

Right eye of a middle-aged married housewife with the placoid variant of syphilitic uveitis. Contact tracing through the health department indicated presumptive infection through her spouse. Preconceptions about the likelihood of syphilitic uveitis should not defer testing of all uveitis patients for exposure.Sex and reproduction in the transmission of infectious uveitis. Davis JL - Journal of ophthalmology (2014). Not Altered. CC.

Uveitis is the inflammation of the middle layer of the eye known as the uvea layer. The most common is the iritis (anterior uveitis), others include granulomatous uveitis, and sympathetic ophthalmia. 

What is the Pathology of Uveitis?

The pathology of uveitis is turgidity of the tissues of the uvea layer of the eye due to substance accumulation.

How does Uveitis Present?

Uveitis presents with light sensitivity, redness, and blurred vision.

How is Uveitis Diagnosed?

Uveitis is diagnosed by ophthalmoscopy, tonometry, slit lamp examination, radiography, and CT scan.

How is Uveitis Treated?

Uveitis is treated with steroids, immunosuppressant drugs, antibiotics, antiviral medications, vitrectomy, and medication release implant.

What is the Prognosis of Uveitis?

The prognosis of uveitis is  excellent within months.