What is Valvular Heart Disease?

Valvular Heart Disease
Representative photomicrographs of immunohistochemistry of TLR2 in the right atrial appendages.Gradually decreased levels of TLR2 (stained brown only in the cytoplasm) were observed in PaAF (A), PeAF (B), and SR(C) patients with valvular heart disease (original magnification, ×200).TLR2 was overexpressed independent of IL-6 in patients with valvular atrial fibrillation. Wang J, Xue L, Cao H, Cui F, Dai T, Chen Y - Journal of biomedical research (2011). Not Altered. CC.

Valvular heart disease is a condition wherein the valve of the heart is damaged or has a disease. 

Examples of valvular heart disease include:

  • Calcific valvular degeneration
  • Infective endocarditis
  • Mitral valve prolapse
  • Rheumatic heart disease