Stress-Related Mucosal Disease

What is Stress-Related Mucosal Disease?

Stress related mucosal disease is a stress-related injury superficial mucosal damage and stress ulcers focal deep mucosal damage. Both types are caused by mucosal ischemia, and both show a propensity for the acid-producing corpus and fundus. What is the Pathology…
Acute Gastritis

What is Acute Gastritis?

Acute gastritis is an inflammation or irritation of the stomach lining. The condition tends to last for a short period of time only. If the inflammation persists, however, the condition is referred to as chronic gastritis. Acute gastritis can affect…

What is Gastropathy?

Gastropathy is a condition that affects the stomach lining, also known as the mucosa. In gastritis, the stomach lining is inflamed. In gastropathy, the stomach lining is damaged, but little or no inflammation is present.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma

What is Squamous Cell Carcinoma?

Squamous cell carcinoma is a common form of skin cancer that develops in the squamous cells that make up the middle and outer layers of the skin. Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin is usually not life-threatening, though it can…

What is Adenocarcinoma?

Adenocarcinoma is a type of cancer that starts in mucus-producing glandular cells. Many organs have these types of cells and adenocarcinoma can develop in any of these organs. What is the Pathology of Adenocarcinoma? The pathology of adenocarcinoma is: -Etiology:…
Esophageal Tumors

What are Esophageal Tumors?

Esophageal tumors are malignant cancer cells form in the tissues of the esophagus, a tube-like structure that runs from your throat to your stomach. Food goes from the mouth to the stomach through the esophagus. The cancer starts at the…
Esophageal Varices

What are Esophageal Varices?

Esophageal varices are enlarged veins in the esophagus. What is the Pathology of Esophageal Varices? The pathology of esophageal varices is: -Etiology: The cause of esophageal varices is related to severe liver scarring cirrhosis, blood clot thrombosis, or parasitic infections.…
Barrett Esophagus

What is Barrett Esophagus?

Barrett esophagus is a condition in which the flat pink lining of the swallowing tube that connects the mouth to the stomach esophagus becomes damaged by acid reflux, which causes the lining to thicken and become red. What is the…
Esophageal Lacerations

What are Esophageal Lacerations?

Esophageal Lacerations is a disorder characterized by upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding caused by longitudinal mucosa a tear that does not penetrate the wall of the esophagus. The tear can be caused by forceful vomiting. What is the Pathology of Esophageal…