
What is Cholecystitis?

Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder wall. Examples of cholecystitis include: Acute cholecystitisChronic cholecystitis What is Acute Cholecystitis? Acute cholecystitis is the abrupt destructive process of the gallbladder. What is the Pathology of Acute Cholecystitis? The pathology of acute cholecystitis…
Pigment Stones

What are Pigment Stones?

Pigment stones are a type of gallbladder stone that is dark in color, made of bilirubin, and can be subclassified into brown and black types, which differ in morphology, pathogenesis, and clinical associations. What is the Pathology of Pigment Stones?…
Cholesterol Stones

What are Cholesterol Stones?

Cholesterol stones are formed when the bile is supersaturated with cholesterol, which may result from decreased bile acid production, increased cholesterol output in bile, or both. What is the Pathology of Cholesterol Stones? The pathology of cholesterol stones is: -Etiology:…

What is Cholelithiasis?

Cholelithiasis is caused by excessive amounts of cholesterol in the bile that’s stored in the gallbladder and this cholesterol hardens to form stone-like substances. Examples of cholelithiasis are: GallstonesCholesterol stonesPigment stones What are Gallstones? Gallstones are concretions that form in…
Biliary Atresia

What is Biliary Atresia?

Biliary atresia is a blockage in the tubes (ducts) that carry bile from the liver to the gallbladder. What is the Pathology of Biliary Atresia? The pathology of biliary atresia is: -Etiology: The cause of biliary atresia is the bile…
Phrygian Cap of the Gallbladder

What is the Phrygian Cap of the Gallbladder?

Phrygian cap of the gallbladder is a triangular deformity of the gallbladder fundus and a fairly common anatomical variant. What is the Pathology of Phrygian Cap of the Gallbladder? The pathology of the Phrygian cap of the gallbladder is: -Etiology:…
Transverse Septum of the Gallbladder

What is the Transverse Septum of the Gallbladder?

Transverse septum of the gallbladder is a stricture that divides the gallbladder into two cavities joined by a canal. What is the Pathology of Transverse Septum of the Gallbladder? The pathology of the transverse septum of the gallbladder is: -Etiology:…
Longitudinal Septum of the Gallbladder

What is the Longitudinal Septum of the Gallbladder?

Longitudinal septum of the gallbladder is the septum which is dividing the gallbladder longitudinally and it’s called the bilobed gallbladder. What is the Pathology of Longitudinal Septum of the Gallbladder? The pathology of the longitudinal septum of the gallbladder is:…
Duplication of the Gallbladder

What is Duplication of the Gallbladder?

Duplication of the gallbladder is a rare congenital malformation that occurs in about one in 4000 births. What is the Pathology of Duplication of the Gallbladder? The pathology of duplication of the gallbladder is: -Etiology: The cause of duplication of…
Absent Gallbladder

What is Absent Gallbladder?

Absent gallbladder is the developmental abnormality of the gallbladder and it’s relatively rare. What is the Pathology of Absent Gallbladder? The pathology of the absent gallbladder is: -Etiology: The cause of absent gallbladder is, most often, sporadic and there’s the…