Allorecognition of MHC Antigens

What is Allorecognition of MHC Antigens?

The immune system of the host identifies its own cells and differentiated them from the foreign antigens present on the cellular surface of the transplant. There are two pathways of allorecognition:  Direct allorecognition and indirect allorecognition. The direct pathway of…
Mechanism of Allograft Rejection

What is the Mechanism of Allograft Rejection?

The recipient’s immune system recognizes two types of antigens on the transplant: Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens also known as human leukocyte antigens (HLA) and Minor histocompatibility antigens.
Papillary Carcinoma

What is Papillary Carcinoma?

Papillary carcinoma is the well-differentiated form of thyroid cancer. What is the Pathology of Papillary Carcinoma? The pathology of papillary carcinoma is: -Etiology: The cause of papillary carcinoma is ionizing radiation before the age of 20, or genetic predisposition. -Genes…
Medullary Carcinoma

What is Medullary Carcinoma?

Medullary carcinoma is a neuroendocrine tumor derived from C cells of the ultimobranchial body of the neural crest, which secrete calcitonin. What is the Pathology of Medullary Carcinoma? The pathology of medullary carcinoma is: -Etiology: The cause of medullary carcinoma…
Follicular Carcinoma

What is Follicular Carcinoma?

Follicular carcinoma is the carcinoma of the thyroid with follicular differentiation but no papillary nuclear features. What is the Pathology of Follicular Carcinoma? The pathology of follicular carcinoma is: -Etiology: The cause of follicular carcinoma is old age, radiation exposure,…
Anaplastic Carcinoma

What is Anaplastic Carcinoma?

Anaplastic carcinoma is the most aggressive malignancy of the thyroid gland. What is the Pathology of Anaplastic Carcinoma? The pathology of anaplastic carcinoma is: -Etiology: The cause of anaplastic carcinoma is unclear but could be associated with iodine deficiency and…
Thyroid Carcinomas

What is Thyroid Carcinomas?

Thyroid carcinomas are painless, palpable, solitary thyroid nodules. Examples of thyroid carcinomas include:  Anaplastic carcinomaFollicular carcinomaMedullary carcinomaPapillary carcinoma