Hereditary Motor Neuropathies

What is Hereditary Motor Neuropathies?

Hereditary motor neuropathies is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that mostly affects the spinal cord. What is the Pathology of Hereditary Motor Neuropathies? The pathology of hereditary motor neuropathies is: -Etiology: The cause of hereditary motor neuropathies is…
Neuropathy due to Familial Amyloidosis

What is Neuropathy due to Familial Amyloidosis?

Neuropathy due to familial amyloidosis is an autosomal dominant disease in which the nerves are damaged by the presence of fibrin and proteins. What is the Pathology of Neuropathy due to Familial Amyloidosis? The pathology of neuropathy due to familial…
Charcot Marie Tooth Disease

What is Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease?

Charcot-Marie-tooth disease is an inherited neurological disorder that affects both sensory and motor nerves. What is the Pathology of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease? The pathology of Charcot-Marie-tooth disease is the study of the motor and the sensory disease of the nerves.  -Etiology:…
Inherited Peripheral Neuropathies

What are Inherited Peripheral Neuropathies?

Inherited peripheral neuropathies are diseases of the nerves that one inherits from the parents. Examples of Inherited peripheral neuropathies include: Charcot-Marie-tooth diseaseNeuropathy due to familial amyloidosisHereditary motor neuropathiesHereditary sensory neuropathiesNeuropathy due to Inherited metabolic diseases
Neuropathies Caused by Physical Forces

What are Neuropathies Caused by Physical Forces?

Neuropathies caused by physical forces are neuron damage due to physical disturbances. Neuropathies caused by physical forces include:  Neuropathy due to avulsionCarpal tunnel syndromeNeuropathy due to compressionNeuropathy due to lacerationUlnar nerve entrapment Compression neuropathy of the radial nerve NEUROPATHIES CAUSED BY…
Malignancy Associated Neuropathies

What are Malignancy Associated Neuropathies?

Malignancy associated neuropathies are diseases of the nervous system that occur as a result of pre-existing malignancies in the individual and the medication that is used to manage their neuropathies. Examples of malignancy associated neuropathies include: Neuropathy due to chemotherapy…
Toxic Neuropathies

What are Toxic Neuropathies?

Toxic neuropathies are alteration of the nervous system function that is caused by toxins from either medication or drugs or other substances. Examples of toxic neuropathies include: Alcohol neuropathyArsenic neuropathyLead neuropathyMercury neuropathyTaxane neuropathyThallium neuropathyVinca alkaloids neuropathy EXAMPLES OF TOXIC NEUROPATHIES.   NEUROPATHYSIGNS/SYMPTOMSTREATMENTPROGNOSISAlcohol…
Neuropathy due to Vitamin B12 Deficiency

What is Neuropathy due to Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

Neuropathy due to vitamin B12 deficiency is the damage of the myelin sheath caused by lack of cobalamin. What is the Pathology of Neuropathy due to Vitamin B12 Deficiency? The pathology of neuropathy due to vitamin B12 deficiency is:  -Etiology:…
Uremic Neuropathy

What is Uremic Neuropathy?

Uremic neuropathy is the distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy instigated by uremic toxins presence. What is the Pathology of Uremic Neuropathy? The pathology of uremic neuropathy is:  -Etiology: The cause of uremic neuropathy is renal inadequacy -Genes involved: NA. -Pathogenesis: The sequence…
Metabolic and Nutritional Neuropathies

What are Metabolic and Nutritional Neuropathies?

Metabolic and nutritional neuropathies are neuron damages associated with metabolic disorders and nutritional disorders. Examples of metabolic and nutritional neuropathies include: Diabetic neuropathyUremic neuropathyNeuropathy due to vitamin B12 deficiency What is Diabetic Neuropathy? Diabetic neuropathy is a common complication of…