Residual Cyst

What is a Residual Cyst?

Residual cysts are essentially radicular cysts without the presence of the offending dentition.  What is the Pathology of Residual Cyst? -Etiology: The cause of residual cyst results from the extraction of a tooth with a radicular cyst. Trauma, carious lesion,…
Periapical Cyst

What is a Periapical Cyst?

A periapical cyst is also known as radicular cysts, are the most frequent cystic lesion related to teeth and result from an infection of the tooth. What is the Pathology of Periapical Cyst? The pathology of periapical cyst is:  -Etiology:…
Paradental Cyst

What is a Paradental Cyst?

A paradental cyst is an odontogenic cyst of inflammatory origin, which occurs on either the buccal, distal, or (rarely) mesial aspects of partially erupted mandibular third molars.  What is the Pathology of Paradental Cyst? The pathology of paradental cyst is:…
Odontogenic Cysts

What are Odontogenic Cysts?

Odontogenic Cysts are a group of jaw cysts that are formed from tissues involved in odontogenesis (tooth development).  Inflammatory Odontogenic Cysts include: Paradental cystPeriapical cystResidual cyst Developmental cysts include: A calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst (Gorlin Cyst)Dentigerous cystsEruption cystGingival cyst of…

What is Erythroplakia?

Erythroplakia is any lesion of the oral mucosa that presents as bright red velvety plaques which cannot be characterized clinically or pathologically as any other recognizable condition. Such lesions are usually irregular in outline, although clearly demarcated from the adjacent…

What is Leukoplakia?

Leukoplakia is a white patch or plaque that cannot be scraped off and cannot be characterized clinically or pathologically as any other disease. What is the Pathology Leukoplakia? The pathology of leukoplakia is: -Etiology: The cause of leukoplakia is related…
Hairy Leukoplakia

What is Hairy Leukoplakia?

Hairy leukoplakia is a condition triggered by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). It causes white patches on your tongue.  What is the Pathology of Hairy Leukoplakia? The pathology of hairy leukoplakia is: -Etiology: The cause of hairy leukoplakia is the Epstein-Barr…
Oral Herpes

What is Oral Herpes?

Oral herpes is an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus.  What is the Pathology of Oral Herpes? The pathology of oral herpes is: -Etiology: The cause of oral herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1).…