
What is Balanoposthitis?

Balanoposthitis is a condition of non-specific inflammation of the inner surface of the prepuce and the nearby surface of the glans. What is the Pathology of Balanoposthitis? The pathology of balanoposthitis is:  -Etiology: The cause of balanoposthitis is a microorganisms…
Inflammation of the Penis

What is Inflammation of the Penis?

Inflammation of the penis is a condition of the penis prepuce or glans characterized by redness, heat, pain swelling secondary to specific and nonspecific infections including trauma.

What is Phimosis?

Phimosis is a condition in which the prepuce is too small and tight to permit its usual retraction over the glans. What is the Pathology of Phimosis? The pathology of phimosis is: -Etiology: The cause of phimosis is congenital or…

What is Hypospadias?

Hypospadias is a birth defect where the urethra opens onto the ventral aspect of the penile shaft. What is the Pathology of Hypospadias? The pathology of hypospadias is: -Etiology: The cause of hypospadias is unknown. -Genes involved: Unknown. -Pathogenesis: The…

What is Epispadias?

Epispadias is a birth defect with a consequential urethral opening at the dorsal surface of the penis. What is the Pathology of Epispadias? The pathology of epispadias is: -Etiology: The cause of epispadias is unknown. -Genes involved: Unknown. -Pathogenesis: The…
Congenital Anomalies of the Penis

What are Congenital Anomalies of the Penis?

Congenital anomalies of the penis are the abnormal conditions of the penis that develop during the embryological development stage. Congenital anomalies of the penis include: EpispadiasHypospadiasPhimosis

What are Craniopharyngiomas?

Craniopharyngiomas are rare intracranial dysontogenic tumors with benign histology and malignant behavior What is the Pathology of Craniopharyngiomas? The pathology of craniopharyngiomas is:   -Etiology: The cause of craniopharyngiomas is fragments of the Rathke cleft and craniopharyngeal duct and gene mutation…

What are Gliomas?

Gliomas are tumor lesions mostly occurring in the brain stem within the pons, midbrain, and medulla, which may infiltrate past the brainstem.  What is the Pathology of Gliomas? The pathology of gliomas is: -Etiology: The cause of gliomas is genetic…
Hypothalamic Suprasellar Tumors

What are Hypothalamic Suprasellar Tumors?

Hypothalamic suprasellar tumors are neoplasms arising in the suprasellar region capable of inducing hyperfunction or hypofunction of the anterior pituitary, diabetes insipidus, or combination. Examples of hypothalamic suprasellar tumors include: GliomasCraniopharyngiomas