Respiratory Distress Syndrome Pathology Video Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is due to damage to the alveolar-capillary junction that is widespread (diffuse alveolar damage). Edema and the development of hyaline membranes in alveoli are caused by…
Respiratory Distress Syndrome Pathology Study Guide

Clinical examination. (A) Chest computed tomography scan revealing extensive consolidation on both sides of the lung; (B) Chest X-ray revealing acute respiratory distress syndrome; (C) Bone marrow examination revealing additional eosinophils. X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome with eosinophilia in a male child: A case report. Guo LI, Chen BO, Xu B, Lu M, Ning B, Chen Z - Experimental and therapeutic medicine (2015). Not Altered. CC.